Month: November 2015

Ouistreham, Caen & Bayeux

Ouistreham 25 nautical miles.  Our gennaker sail failed during journey (big light winds head sail), the shackle at the top of the mast came undone causing the gennaker sail to fall into the water down the port side of the boat (on inspection shackle… Continue Reading “Ouistreham, Caen & Bayeux”


Our first passage sail, not very far – 12 nautical miles, but we had waves, wind and of course rain!  Everything went to plan with us catching the tide up the river into Honfleur. Also, nothing like a challenge on your first sail –… Continue Reading “Honfleur”

Le Havre

Le Havre is also where Maree joined Red Roo as “crew” in October 2015 and first entered the world of sailing and sea life with personal tuition at the Captain Phil Sailing School.  With a management career in learning, training and development there have… Continue Reading “Le Havre”

Red Roo – Let the Journey Begin

After purchasing the yacht in France (June 2015) the next 3 months were to be busy with red tape in regards to official paperwork deregistering the boat in France (formally named Steredenn Mor) and registering it in the United Kingdom, however it is finally… Continue Reading “Red Roo – Let the Journey Begin”