Month: October 2016


A medium sized fishing village and our last stop in Scotland (the England Scotland border being just south of here).  A very sad history for the town remembered by a moving bronze statue along the foreshore which depicts the tragedy in the town when… Continue Reading “Eyemouth”


Increase in other vessels as we entered the Forth River, mainly large commercial vessels, one of them even noticed our small Aussie flag flying and commented to us over the radio that we were a long way from Sydney Harbour!  There are not a… Continue Reading “Edinburgh”

Buckie, Peterhead & Arbroath

Welcome to the North Sea – uuuggghhhhh! After the sheltered lochs of Scotland then the sheltered Caledonian Canal the north sea is reminding us how good we had it.  Very shallow (6-8 meters a few miles out off the coast) and the smallest wind… Continue Reading “Buckie, Peterhead & Arbroath”

The Caledonian Canal

Feels like a bit of a milestone to reach here, out UK & Ireland travels are almost complete!  As is the 2016 sailing season.  Pretty pumped to do Loch Ness over the next few days also – being such a well know place, also… Continue Reading “The Caledonian Canal”

Fort William

Arrived around lunch time and really could have entered the lock to the CC but figured we should wait until tomorrow and get our money’s worth of our licence by going in first thing in the morning and getting a full day (as it… Continue Reading “Fort William”

Port Appin

Our overnight stop en-route north to the CC whilst travelling north up Loch Linnhe. Again zero wind so a slow motor (pleasant enough), treated ourselves to dinner at the pub as it was a choice of pay for the mooring buoy for the evening… Continue Reading “Port Appin”


Well to be precise the Isle of Kerrera, this is where the marina is and a ferry runs you over to the mainland and the town of Oban.  The marina has seen better days but will serve its purpose for us well. The other… Continue Reading “Oban”

Loch Aline

We made the passage around Ardnamurchan point easily after our wait in Mallaig to get the best weather and correct tides.  In our Scottish voyage sailing north west before returning south to do the caledonian canal we only had to cover the same piece… Continue Reading “Loch Aline”


Keeping with current trends (gales) it seems we were to be in Mallaig the best part of 4-5 days waiting for the correct conditions to passage around Ardnamurchan point, a major tidal gate (and navigation nightmare).  Turns out we were not the only ones… Continue Reading “Mallaig”